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Das ganze beschissene Dasein

Writer's picture: VV

Have you ever been frustrated? The question which we don't hear so often but which brought me to this thought when I saw a funny video reportage from 70s Berlin. The people were so honest and funny, but serious in the answers. Some of them didn't know the meaning of the word. Some just were hungry and didn't have time to answer. But there was this one guy who answers with certain Yes! following with the constatation " Ja! Das ganze beschissene Dasein!", which translates something in the sense like "Yes! The whole shitty existence!".

Hm, is it different today? Could that be your answer too? At first, I was laughing and making jokes but then when I stopped and gave it a chance I found it really inspiring. The philosophical thought behind it is just stunning! It could be something Slavoj Zizek would consider to advocate. One of the heroes of modern nihilistic - consumeristic direction fostering the field of social development.

To describe this feeling I need you to imagine your late twenties being the turning point of your lives. So, where are you currently? Doing your dream job, helping vulnerable social groups, making the difference and impact in this world? Having a beautiful house by a lake with a beautiful green front yard and organic vegetable and fruits garden in it? Kissing your soulmate and making plans to travel to New Zeland? Having everything in your hands, feeling accomplished and with that being actively involved in a blooming social life, visiting events, festivals and Instagram lives?

Me? Not fo sure. I am still on the crossroad of my future... Still trying to figure out the meaning of the "Dasein". Reading, writing, talking, thinking, analysing, from time to time kissing strangers and singing cool songs.

Millennials are the sacrificed generation. Millennials are the lost kids between two centuries. We are the ones everybody hates and blames for technology abuse and all in all laziness.

Hey, society, give us a break! We are giving our best to survive this unknow that bothers humankind for centuries! Socrates was also not sure what is the sense behind the "being" in this world under these circumstances and he hadn't TikTok. We are fighting all kind of mental health issues and hashtags. The burden of having 10 years of experience for every f****g job we apply and good teamwork skills is something we will achieve maybe with 40 when we have 100 internships in a row. Oh, I forgot and we really enjoy living with 3 more people in a 50 square meter apartment. It is so cool to have this choice to live with 3 more 28yearolds or together with your parents.

Of course, we own a cool vehicle too - my bike ist the prettiest and fastest in our street! And don't get me started with the environmental issues. Yes, Greta, we are culprits, why didn't we come up with this awesome idea to skip school every Friday. But, hey, we still have the 90s, the trend is blooming, we are vintage bit***s.

And no, we are not gluten intolerant. We need to eat cheap pasta so gluten is our friend.

So, to get back to the top:

"Have you ever been frustrated?"


"What frustrates you the most?"

"The whole shitty existence!"

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